TracPlus blog

How Queensland Parks uses TracPlus to track their people across 3m hectares of remote land

Written by Tom Eyles | Oct 18, 2023 3:24:03 AM

Following our interview with Greg Carter from QPWS, we also had the pleasure of speaking with Safety Ranger Nicole Wattz, to understand how the TracPlus system assists her and her team on an operational level.


How does TracPlus help you in your role?

“I’m in charge of making sure all of our rangers work safely. One of our big issues we used to have was being unable to get alerts and knowing where our rangers were at any given time. TracPlus has helped us hugely with this.

We can now track rangers when they’re out in the region and they can message us with the TracPlus satellite devices with better connectivity outside of cell range. We can also use the TracPlus system for tracking all of our fires and seeing where our other assets are."

What TracPlus features are the most important for you, and why?

“The most important TracPlus feature for us is the emergency alert button. We are able to determine where our rangers are at any given time if they hit that button. Due to the remoteness of some of our parks there’s no phone connectivity. But with the TracPlus devices, it’s very easy for us to find out where the rangers are, or if they’re injured, and we’re able to send messages backwards and forwards easily."

What key issues has TracPlus solved for your organisation?

“TracPlus has definitely helped us with our tracking. We can always see where all of our rangers are, and whether they’re in trouble. The most important benefit is knowing that we can assist our rangers when required, instead of being unable to contact them when they’re out of phone service."

How does TracPlus help your operations on a daily basis?

"TracPlus helps our operations on a daily basis by giving our staff connectivity. It also assists me as a safety ranger as I can keep track of where our staff are at all times.

An example is just recently we had a crew out on one of our remote walking tracks out in Carnarvon Gorge, and I was able to monitor their progress during the day and make sure they got back to camp safely. I got a message from them at 5pm through the RockSTAR device, and I was able to look at that on my desktop and see that they’re clearly back.

So for our operations it’s really great from a safety perspective that we can keep an eye on our staff and make sure they get back to where they need to be safely."


Interested in learning more about how TracPlus can improve the safety of your operations?

Get in touch with us today.